popweld isolated the main concerns, and solved each one. The new system would look like this (2 production cells on same track system):

The Customer's New Process
- A pipe is loaded onto each pair of idler/driver – driver/idler
- Once pipes are in place, the fit-up is completed by one operator using a combination of a touchscreen HMI and joystick. move pipe up/down/in/out/left/right/slight tilt/rotate. Pipe is manipulated into a perfect fit-up position.

- Welder tack welds, then completes a root pass.

Weld manipulator further

- Completed double joints are then sent for further processing
The Bottom Line
Cycle Time: 2 ¾ Hour (65% reduction from old process)
Labor: 1 welder, 1 assistant (83% reduction in labor)
Available productivity options:
- Weld Cameras
- Data Acquisition
- iPad Controls

HSE Results:
- Reduced risk of dropped loads, as no overhead cranes are used.
- No manual uncontrolled pipe manipulation – no sledgehammers.
- Removal of unsafe wood cribbing with the introduction of automated pipe manipulation
- Worker can safely operate entire system from a safe distance